Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

Decisions from the meeting of 10 January 2024

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.
To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 10 January 2025

  • Decision Nr. 01, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'History-Geography' at 'Eqrem Çabej' University of Gjirokastra";
  • Decision Nr. 02, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Albanian Language and Literature' at 'Eqrem Çabej' University of Gjirokastra";
  • Decision Nr. 03, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'English Language' at 'Eqrem Çabej' University of Gjirokastra";
  • Decision Nr. 04, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Primary Education Teacher for Grades I-VI' at 'Eqrem Çabej' University of Gjirokastra";
  • Decision Nr. 05, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Pre-School Education Teacher' at 'Eqrem Çabej' University of Gjirokastra";
  • Decision Nr. 06, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Financial Accounting' at 'Eqrem Çabej' University of Gjirokastra";
  • Decision Nr. 07, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Electronic Engineering' at the Albanian University";
  • Decision Nr. 08, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the master's of science degree program in 'Electronic Engineering' at the Albanian University";
  • Decision Nr. 09, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Pre-school Education Teacher' at the Albanian University";
  • Decision Nr. 10, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Primary Education Teacher' at the Albanian University";
  • Decision Nr. 11, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the master's of science degree program in 'Clinical Psychology' at the Albanian University";
  • Decision Nr. 12, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in 'Information and Communication Technology' at the Albanian University";
  • Decision Nr. 13, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in 'Automotive Technology' at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision Nr. 14, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in 'Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology' at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision Nr. 15, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in 'Electrical Installations Technology' at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision Nr. 16, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Physiotherapy' at 'Aldent' University";
  • Decision Nr. 17, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Nursing' at 'Luarasi' University";
  • Decision Nr. 18, dated 01.10.2025, "On the first accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Political Science,' with profiles in 'Public administration' and 'International Relations,' at 'Barleti' University";
  • Decision Nr. 19, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the bachelor’s degree program in 'Economics' with profiles in 'Business Administration' and 'Financial Accounting' at the University College of Business";
  • Decision Nr. 20, dated 01.10.2025, "On the periodic accreditation of the professional master's degree program in 'Advanced Techniques in Medical Laboratories' at the 'LOGOS' University College";
  • Decision Nr. 21, dated 01.10.2025, "On some additions and amendments to Decision No. 29, dated 03.03.2023, "On the periodic accreditation of the doctoral program in 'Architecture and Urban Planning' at 'Polis' university"";