The Director of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education (ASCAL), Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku, and the Head of the Promotion and Quality Evaluation Sector, Ms. Majlinda Demirneli, participated in a workshop organized by the General Directorate of Industrial Property (DPPI) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The workshop focused on establishing a Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at one of our country's universities.
In her welcome speech, the General Director of Industrial Property, Ms. Maria Solis Kapedani, emphasized the importance of creating Technology Transfer Centers.
In her speech, the ASCAL director highlighted the significance of this center in supporting academic staff and students in scientific research.
WIPO lecturers Mr. Michael Mbogoro, Ms. Olga Spasic, and Mr. Nedeljko Milosavljevic, shared with the rectors and representatives of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) the importance of Technology Transfer Centers.
DPPI has also planned additional meetings of this level with representatives of universities operating in our country.