Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.
To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 7-8 April 2017
- Decision No. 1, dt. 07.04.2017, “On closing the procedures imported due to the reorganization of quality assurance institutions in higher education"
- Decision No. 2, dt. 07.04.2017, “On determination of the duration and the validity of accreditation in the framework of decision-making for the accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs"
- Decision No. 3, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the announcement of Accreditation Council Decisions for the accreditation of Third Cycle study programs, Doctorate in “Computer Sciences” with profiles: a. “Computer Science”; b. “Information Management Systems”; Doctorate in “Business Administration” with profiles: a. “Economic Sciences”; b. “Finance”; c. “Management”; d. “Marketing”; e. “Accounting”; f. “International Business”; Doctorate in “Social Sciences and Humanities” with profiles: a. “Education”; b. “Law”; c. “Political Science and International Relations”
- Decision No. 4, dt. 07.04.2017, “For a change in DAC No. 70, date 27.07.2015 "On the accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Technician for Advanced Medical Laboratories", Higher Education Institution "Logos "”
- Decision No. 5, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the validity of the accreditation of study programs, Professional Master in "Territorial Development Policies" with profiles: a. "Spatial Planning and GIS Application"; b. "Housing and Land Development"; c. "Urban Social Development and Human Resources" and Professional Master in "Parametric Design" with profiles: a. "Architectonic and Parametric Design"; b. "Aesthetic Structural Design"; c. "Landscape and Urban Design", offered by Polis University”
- Decision No. 6, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the opening of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Public Administration", "Fan S. Noli" University, Korça”
- Decision no. 7, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the reorganization of the main unit of Polis University, "Institute for Research and Development" to the "Faculty for Research and Development"”
- Decision No. 8, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the first accreditation of the institution of higher education University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani"”
- Decision No. 9, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the periodic accreditation of the non-public institution of higher education, "Marin Barleti University"”
- Decision No. 10, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the first accreditation of the institution of higher education University of Durrës, "Aleksandër Moisiu"”
- Decision No. 11, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the first accreditation of the higher education institution "Agricultural University of Tirana"
- Decision No. 12, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the periodic accreditation of the institution of higher education "European University of Tirana"”
- Decision No. 13, dt. 07.04.2017, “On the first accreditation of the institution of higher education "Polytechnic University of Tirana"”